Smooth Corner Beziercorner Bezier
Smooth+highlights Smooth Wireframe Facets
只有当Drag Type的参数为直线角,Initial Type的参数为Smooth,创建的线条才是曲线。 只有当Drag Type的参数为Smooth,Initial Type的参数为Smooth,创建的线条才是曲线。 只有当Drag Type的参数为Bezier,Initial Type的参数为Smooth,创建的线条才是曲线 无论Drag Type的参数为哪种类型,要Initial Type的参数为Smooth,创建的线条都是曲线
organize organizing organization organized
从附属选项中挑选和钮 从附属选项中挑选和钮 选取Inset菜单下的Smooth命令和Straighten命令 选取Modify菜单下的Smooth命令和Straighten命令
not so smooth as expected not so smooth as expecting not so smoothly as expecting not so smoothly as expected
not so smooth as expected not so smooth as expecting not so smoothly as expecting not so smoothly as expected
Smooth+highlights Smooth Wire frame Facets
sound-produced organizing delivered call
smoothing away to smooth away doing away with to smooth over
Smooth+highlights Smooth Wireframe Facets
Smooth+Highlights Smooth Wire frame Facets
organizes organized organizing organize