A number of scientists found genes in the 18th and 19th centuries. Scientific discoveries were made one after another in the 18th and 19th centuries. Many scientists succeeded in finding out how the features of living things were passed on to the next generation in the 18th and 19th centuries. It took a long time for scientists to find out why members of the same family look like each other.
How long What a long How a long What long
How a long way it is What a long way is it How far is it What a long way it is
How long way it is What a long way it is How long way is it What a long way is it
to make a living to prevent the dog from rabies to find a good way to cure rabies to protect children from mad dogs
how often how about how long how soon.
lived were living had lived have been living
How a long way it is What a long way is it How far is it What a long way it is
people living with HIV/AIDS are good advocates and communicators and they are very successful the voice of people living with HIV/AIDS is too weak to be heard the effective way to deal with HIV/AIDS is the full involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS and all of the communities people living with HIV/AIDS had only one way to go, that is death
How long way it is What a long way is it How long way is it What a long way it is
long ago before long long before three years ago
What a long way it is What a long way is it It is a long way How far is it
How long way it is What a long way it is What a long way is it How long a way is it
How often How soon How long How many
How often How soon How long How many
from; and between; to from; to between; with