hypothetical profound opposing mathematical
never become a genius exceed his intelligence limits in rich surroundings still become a genius if he should be given special education not reach his intelligence in his life
become a genius still become a genius if he should be given special education exceed his intelligence limits in rich surroundings not reach his intelligence in his life
school masters’ the author’s many students’ that of the author and many students
hypothetical profound opposing mathematical
Einstein and artists have said schools limit creativity and genius. Schools should be designed to encourage creativity and social order. Explorers and geniuses look at the world differently from the way most people do. Schools can never satisfy the needs of both genius and society as a whol
never become a genius still become a genius if he should be given special education exceed his intelligence limits in rich surroundings not reach his intelligence in his life
genius; talent talent; genius genius; genius gift; talent
Description of the goods, mark, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity, and astatement, if applicable, as to the dangerous nature of the goods Name and principal place of business of the carrier Payment of Hire Port of discharge