very very much a little little
You're all right You're welcome You're very well No, thanks
Don’t say that Thank you You bet You’re welcome
) With pleasurE. ) No, you needn't. ) Yes, I'd love to. ) It's very kind of you.
Very interesting Much better Never mind Thank you very much.
Very interesting Much better Never mind Thank you very much.
No, thanks That’s OK You are very helpful That’s very kind of you
Yes, you would That’ s very kind of you With pleasure I’m very glad to hear that
And so do you. Far from very gooD. Worse than you do Thanks for your praise
Thank you very much. Here you arE. You don’t know It’s ok.
Don’t mention it I’ll give you more Not very good I’m glad you like it
forgetfully forgetfulness forgetful forgive
I’m very glad you like it. No , thanks. Oh, it’s nothing. No, it’s very cheap
Thank you. Thouk you very much. Thank you very much for your kindness. Thanks a lot.
It’s very kind of you to say so. Thank you for saying so. Thank you. I ’m flattered. It’s very king of you to remember me.
Thank you very much All right You’re welcome You don’t thank mE.