personal data assistance some words of a patient real physiological information medical pictures from the Internet
there are not enough mobile phones for distributing medical intelligence CT scans are one of the biggest bandwidth consumers bandwidth is not adequate to transmit complex medical images around the world communications satellites can only cope with the short-term needs during disasters
the Labor government conducted a review about how to cut down on costs. the money pouring into the NHS did bring with it productivity and quality. the problem of funds put into medical care should be thoroughly reexamined. the health-care systems in Britain will become the envy of the rest of the world.
which; whose which; of which when; whose on which, its
through its Research and Education Network, which will transmit the 3 -D images and data back to the hospital for evaluation and image manipulation. The doctors will then give feedback about how well the network works and the quality of the images. In a virtual hospital, medical professionals will work at the real hospital. at NASA’s Research and Education Network. the World Wide Web. at a special workstation at hom
there are not enough mobile phones for distributing medical intelligence CT scans are one of the biggest bandwidth consumers bandwidth is not adequate to transmit complex medical images around the world communications satellites can only cope with the short-term needs during disasters
at the real hospital. at NASA’s Research and Education Network. the World Wide Web. at a special workstation at home.
bandwidth isn’t big enough to send complex medical pictures the second-generation of Internet has not become popular yet communication satellites can only deal with short-term needs there is not enough equipment for spreading the medical care
the use of telemedicine the on-lined doctors medical care and treatment communication improvement