hasn’t lasted won’t last didn’t last doesn’t last
according to in addition to in regard to thanks to
his frequent re-writing of an opera. his coherent psychological portrayal. his consistent aspiration to high art. his effective maneuvers of music.
last...latest latest...last later...last later...latest
not until you’re eighteen can you until you’re eighteen that you can’t not until you’re eighteen that you can until you’re eighteen when you can’t
broken away broken down broken in broken out
essential promising special normal
last...latest latest...last later...last later...latest
not until you’re eighteen can you until you’re eighteen that you can’t not until you’re eighteen that you can until you’re eighteen when you can’t
Owing to According to In spite of In case of
late, latest lately, last late, last latest, latest
five of whom were in critical condition five of them were in critical condition. and five of them were in critical condition with five of them in critical condition
they'll spend m6re time and energy to help you they'll return the favor when needing help they'll think what they've done is worthy they'll make a strong alliance with you
broken away broken down broken in broken out