He would probably go back to Iran. He would probably stay in France. He would probably head for England. He would probably go to Belgium.
probably logically precisely strongly
likely probable maybe probably
possible; probable probable; possible possibly; probable probably; possibly
possible likely probable probably
Students. Workers. Teachers.
Generally Probably Virtually Usually
likely; possible probably; likely probably; possible possible; probable
will probably drop it will probably read it very fast may study it very carefully may read it with a dictionary
certainly really immediately probably
really mainly finally probably
probably; possibly possibly; likely probably; likely likely; possibly
may not sit in the library probably don't know its background may not have practiced on reading it probably think it is too easy for you to read
likely maybe possibly probably
likely; possible probably; likely probably; possible possible; probable
get; will probably like will get; will probably like got; will probably like had got; had probably liked