an enduring an unknown a startling a final
Walt Disney and His Mickey Mouse Walt Disney Becoming Famous One of the Most Famous Film Stars Walt Disney Drawing Pictures
an enduring an unknown a startling a final
was dated back to has been dating from dates back to had dated from
the stranger would not return again Shorty would not come back soon trouble might happen around the shop Shorty would lose his life in the storm
on the lake at night by the lake in the afternoon along the river in spring near the river in summer
there were no people around Shorty had gone shopping people went fishing on the lake Shorty had asked him to watch the boats and the shop
He was slow. He was weak. He was careful. He was interestin
The stranger came to see Walt. Shorty came back on time. Walt worked far away from the shop. Some people lived around the shop.
there were no people around Shorty had gone shopping people went fishing on the lake Shorty had asked him to watch the boats and the shop
was dated back to has been dating from dates back to had dated from