Much clothing Lots of suits A good many A lot of clothes
Though he has a lot of money Having a lot of money He has a lot of money Much money as he has
a lot of practice is needed it needs a lot of practice practice is in need of one needs a lot of practice
mental physical natural hard
Know Known Knowing To know
A.lot of clothes Many a cloth Much clothing Plenty of clothes
it is necessary to need a lot of practicE. a lot of practice is needeD. you need a lot of practice it needs a lot of practicE.
stopped; were still looking will stop ;are still looking have stopped ; were still looking stop ; will have looked
physical mental natural hard
mental physical natural hard
dealer grocer seller waiter
How much do you think we should pay for the house How much do you think should we pay for the house We should pay how much do you think for the house Do you think we should pay how much for the house
hard mental simple physical
expressive physical exaggerated dubious
asked for offered needed wanted