leave left leaving to leave
why don’t you why you not why you don’t why not you
why you not why do you not why don't you why you don't
Great! Why me! Come on! Not at all!
Great Why me Come on Hurry up
Certainly. Not exactly. Of coursE. Why not?
why you not why do you not why don’t you why you don’t
Maybe I should You can’t afford it You don’t know I can’t tell you
Great! Why me? Come on! Not at all.
Certainly. Not exactly. Of coursE. Why not?
Great Why me Come on Hurry up
why it does what it does how it is why it is
I have no idea You are unlucky You are hopeless Don't lose heart
Great! Why me? Come on! Not at all.
Shall we; let’s Shall we; why not Why don’t you; how about Perhaps you should; why not
Great! Why me? Come on! Not at all.