Chief officer Ship's and shore's representatives The surveyor The captain"
If the captain were had the captain been should the captain be If the captain would have been
If the captain were Had the captain been Should the captain be If the captain would have been
they had been given proper medicine they learned that the captain had found out the truth they were laughed at by their friends the medicine the mate gave them was horrible
gave off gave over gave way gave out
Chief officer Ship ’s and shore ’s representatives The surveyor The captain
If the captain were Had the captain been
Should the captain be If the captain would have been
assured ensured secured insured
subtle dental brittle scuttled"
gave off gave over gave way gave up
if the ship must be stand by ifM.Eshould be stopped if keep-watching as in voyage if the ship must anchor two anchors
didn't care much sent for a doctor looked after him and told him to have a rest gave him some medicine
test the captain's knowledge of medicine be free from work have the best food on the ship play a joke on his friends
hand over hand in hand out hand on
A Sudden Cure. Two Patients. Captain and Sailors. A Difficult Voyag
escape abandon resist prevent
told them not to do so again lost his temper made them work harder fired them