works is working will be working worked
keeps stays stands remains
works out to work out of working out working out
terrible; good terribly, good terribly well terrible; well
keeps stays stands remains
so well too well well as well enough
something; good something; well nothing; good nothing; well
waits stays stands remains
so well too well well as well enough
bitter; well bitter; good bitterly; well bitterly; good
being well paid to pay well to be well paid well pay
is working works will be working worked
well, well good, good good, well well, good
tried on it tried on tried out it tried it out
keeps stays stands remains
five year plan five-year-plan five-years-plan five-year plan
the agenda for carrying out the plan or a portion of it not important, as each team member acts according to plan used to generate a time table of major commitments for the project both A and C