explained me explained to me that explained that explained to me
that had taken place taken place that had happened to happened
happened to; that occurred to; it happened to; which occurred to; which
are built build have built have been built
from their effects of which effects of its effects from whose effects
have been taken place have taken place h
from their effects of which effects of its effects from whose effects
I happened it happens It so happened I happen
was happened happened appeared came on
happened unexpectedly changed quickly prevented unexpectedly caught up with
Let me tell you Let me to tell you Allow me tell you Allow me to tell you
Tell me What was that I can’t believe it How it happened
that had happened that had happened to him what had been happened what had happened to him
when did it happen when it happened when was it happened when it was happened
to tell tell told had told
needn’t have happened could have happened would never have happened must have happened
needn’t have happened could have happened would never have happened must have happened