reserve .predict preserve press
As earthquakes are difficult to be predicted As earthquakes are difficult to predict Difficult as earthquakes are to predicted Difficult as earthquakes are to predict
there are more than enough women in the labor force women have more freedom in selecting jobs women are only provided with low-paid jobs women are less experienced than men
overlook outline predict convey
to read it section be section to do some paper-cutting to find separate sections and read accordingly to predict what is inside the newspaper
consume reject advocate predict
predict argue think suggest
there are more than enough women in the labor force women have more freedom in selecting jobs women are only provided with low-paid jobs women ale less experienced than men
contributes to has led to will cause will see
human behavior is confined to the exclusive concern of psychologists. economists' utility is only the explanations for random acts of kindness. altruism is developed during the long process of human evolution. biologists can help economists explain some human behavior deviations.
wants attempts tends arranges
wants; the result attempts, the consequence tends; the consequence tends; as the consequence