shoulders shouldered is shouldering has been shouldering
Occupying To be occupied Having occupied Occupied
鸡肋(lèi) 蛮横(hèng) 不着边际(zhuó) 大楷字帖(tiè) 内讧(hòng) 哂笑(shĕn) 断壁残垣(yuán) 不落窠臼(kē) 惊悚(sŏng) 愤懑(măn) 怙恶不悛(quān) 狼奔豕突(shĭ) 难处(chŭ) 括弧(hú) 唾手可得(tuò) 不胫而走(jìng)
wait having waited being waited waiting
To get To have got Getting Got
To drop Dropped Having dropped Having been dropped
where Kate is waiting for her mother where is Kate waiting for her mother where Kate was waiting for her mother where was Kate waiting for her mother
I sh=2. 55I k I sh=1. 51I k I sh=1. 94I k I sh=1. 09I k
waiting wait to wait waited
as much a part of her life as as a part of her life much as as much as a part of her life so much a part of her life as