how much is the meal we’ve had take my order, please would you please take the money could I have the bill, please
sadly quickly slowly politely
how much is the meal we’ve had but can I take your order could I have the bill, please would you please take the money
set, down let, down keep,down turn down
how much is the meal we’ve had take my order, please could I have the bill, please would you please take the money
beautiful red glass beautiful glass red red beautiful glass red glass beautiful
to keep keeping keep kept
what to .how to what I can how can I
sadly quickly politely slowly
sadly quickly slowly politely
Of course not Never mind Yes, please You’d better not
what to where to what I can where canI.
what to where can I where to what I can
sadly quickly politely slowly
Excuse me for interrupting. Is there anything that I can do for you? Why not wear some flowers tonight? Would you please look after my car for a moment?w