a bit more slowly more slowly a bit slowly a bit more slowly more a bit
a bit; a bit a bit; a bit of a bit of; a bit a bit of;a bit of
Make a bit more effort To make a bit more effort Making a bit more effort If you make a bit more effort
more slowly a bit a bit more slowly slowly a bit more slowly more a bit
a bit more slowly slowly a bit more more slowly a bit slowly more a bit
more slowly a bit slowly a bit more a bit more slowly slowly more bit
more slowly a bit slowly a bit more a bit more slowly slowly more a bit
more slowly a bit slowly a bit more a bit more slowly slowly more bit
more careful a bit careful a more bit a bit more careful a bit careful more
too a bit small a bit small too too small a bit a bit too small
more slowly a bit slowly a bit more a bit more slowly slowly more a bit
Making a little bit more effort Make a little bit more effort To make a little bit more effort If you make a little bit more effort
more slowly a bit slowly a bit more a bit more slowly slowly more a bit