Quarrel Quarrelling Because of quarrelling Since I quarreled
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
God knows I don’t agree It’s a shame I’m sorry
Quarrel Quarrelling Because of quarrelling Since I quarreled
As she lost Lost Losing Because of losing
making; Misunderstood made; Being misunderstood has made; Be misunderstood had made; Having been misunderstood
Failing to pass To fail passing Failing passing To fail to pass
What's up What's for What are you up to So what
As she lost Lost Losing Because of losing
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
Jim left; without Jim’s leaving; instead of That Jim left; without Jim leaving; instead of
As she lost Lost Losing Because of losing
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
Lost Losing Because of losing Since I lost
Lost Losing Because of losing Since I lost
As she put on Put on Putting on Because of putting on
What’s for What’s up So what How’s up
what,which that;what what;that what;what
, What’s up What’s for What are you up to So what
As she lost Lost To lose Losing