readers how to be popular with around teenagers how to learn to decide things for themselves parents how to control and guide their children people how to understand and respect each other
TEE检查有助于判断左、右心充盈情况和功能 发现室壁运动异常及气栓 TEE是有风险的,食管静脉曲张是TEE的相对禁忌证 TEE不是肝移植的常规监测 此类患者行TEE前必须进行风险一效益分析
二维超声心动图测定瓣环口面积 不能监测心肌缺血 TEE时食管二维超声心动图和脉冲多昔勒血流计联合应用 多普勒血流计测定经过瓣环口的血流速度 TEE时超声探头放在食管内
the adolescents now become timid parents used to get along with their children the vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents’ values and ideas parents and teenagers don’t like to quarrel
TEE检查有助于判断左、右心充盈情况和功能 发现室壁运动异常及气栓 TEE是有风险的,食管静脉曲张是TEE的相对禁忌证 TEE不是肝移植的常规监测 此类患者行TEE前必须进行风险一效益分析
黑tee、金tee为职业球手开球球台 蓝Tee为高水平业余女子球手所用 白Tee为业余男子和高水平女子常用 红Tee为业余女子专用
改作“BLACK TEA” 按原文写作“BLACK TEE” 按原文写作“BLACK TEE”,然后在后面加上(BLACK TEA) 把“信用证”改成“托收”收款
the adolescents now become timid parents used to get along with their children the vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents’ values and ideas parents and teenagers don’t like to quarrel
EET 税制 ETE 税制 ETT 税制 TEE税制
the adolescents now become timid parents used to get along with their children the vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents’ values and ideas parents and teenagers don’t like to quarrel
三维重建TEE由于滞后和伪影未能广泛应用 三维TEE为外科医生了解二尖瓣自身几何形状和反流的机制提供了新视角 实时三维TEE可以快速成像精确定位诊断,完全不依赖二维超声 实时三维TEE的应用可以不需要像二维超声多平面检查推测三维结构 可以减少超声大夫由于取样或手法不同出现个体差异 实时三维TEE在定量诊断二尖瓣反流程度方面明显优于二维超声TEE
the adolescents now become timid parents come to get along with their children the vast majority of teenagers share most of their parents’ values and ideas parents and teenager don’ t like to quarrel
TEE检查有助于判断左、右心充盈情况和功能 发现室壁运动异常及气栓 TEE是有风险的,食管静脉曲张是TEE的相对禁忌证 TEE不是肝移植的常规监测 此类患者行TEE前必须进行风险一效益分析