the; the a; a; a; the /; the
Echo特效前面所有的特效均做无效处理 Echo特效后面的特效均做无效处理 Echo特效不会影响片段上施加的其他特效 除Echo特效以外的特效均无效
echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’s PID://$$ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’s PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’s PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’s PID://$$
echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’s PID:$$ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’PID:$@ echO UserHOme directOIy:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’sPID:$@ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’sPID:$$
echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’s PID:$$ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’s PID:$@ echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Current shell’s PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Current shell’s PlD:$$
echo UserHome directorY:$LOGNAME
echo Carrent shell’Ss PID://$$ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Carrent shell’PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME
echo Carrent shell’s PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$HOME
echo Carrent shell’s PID://$$
Source quench Echo request 和Echo reply Destination unreachable Redirect
print()能作为表达式的一部分,echo()不能 echo()能作为表达式的一部分,print()不能 echo()能在CLI(命令行)版本的PHP中使用,print()不能 print()能在CLI(命令行)版本的PHP中使用,echo()不能
Gradual Echo Grade Echo Grand Echo Gradient Echo Gradation Echo
echo0>/proc/syset/ipv4/icmp_ehco_ignore_all echo0>/proc/syset/ipv4/tcp_syncookies echo1>/proc/syset/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all echo1>/proc/syset/ipv4/tcp_syncookies
Echo、Delay、Mixture Fade、Delay、Mixture Echo、Fade、Delay Echo、Delay
shell echo $SHELL echo $shell disenv
Echo-Request Config-Nak Config-Request Echo-Reply
cho UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Carrent shell's PID://$$ echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Carrent shell's PID://$@ echo UserHome directory:$ LOGNAME echo Carrent shell's PID://S@ echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Carrent shell's PID://$$
environment echo$path echo$PATH echo$environment
both the echo sounder and the sonar system send radio signals both the echo sounder and the sonar system send sound signals the echo sounder sends radio signals but the sonar system sends sound signals the echo sounder sends sound signals but the sonar system sends radio signals"
Echo特效前面所有的特效均做无效处理 Echo特效后面的特效均做无效处理 Echo特效不会影响片断上施加的其他特效 除Echo特效以外的特效都无效
echo0>/proc/syset/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all echo1>/proc/syset/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all echo0>/proc/syset/ipv4/tcp_syncookies echo1>/proc/syset/ipv4/tcp_syncookies