once every two years once a decade once a year twice a year
a matter of great significance. a matter of little significance. overemphasized. timely.
better drugs. lower yearly cost. more effective prevention. greater emphasis on treatment.
a matter of great significance. a matter of little significance. overemphasized. timely.
36 million. 46 million. Around 440,000. More than 20 million.
They put too little emphasis on treatment. They are not receiving any treatment. They refuse to be treated. They live longer than those in developed countries.
Right Wrong Not mentioned
a matter of great significance a matter of little significance overemphasized timely
once every two years. once a decade. once a year. twice a year.
They put too little emphasis on treatment. They are not receiving any treatment. They refuse to be treated. They live longer than those in developed countries.
better drugs. lower yearly cost. more effective prevention. greater emphasis on treatment.
once every two years. once a decade. once a year. twice a year.
that it is to be that it has been to have been
They put too little emphasis on treatment. They are not receiving any treatment. They refuse to be treated. They live longer than those in developed countries,
36 million. 46 million. around 440,000. more than 20 million.
better drugs lower yearly cost more effective prevention greater emphasis on treatmen
36 million. 46 million. Around 440,000. More than 20 million.