mustn’t have seen can’t have seen couldn’t see needn’t have seen
don’t you wasn’t it do you hadn’t it
mustn’t have seen can’t have seen couldn’t see needn’t have seen
shouldn't follow mustn't follow couldn't have been following shouldn't have been following
ought to thank ought have thanked ought to have thanked ought thank
mustn’t have seen can’t have seen couldn’t see needn’t have seen
should have told must have told shouldn’t have told needn’t have told
can't see mustn't see needn't have seen can't have seen
don’t you wasn’t it do you hadn’t it
must ought to needn’t can’t
should have told must have told shouldn’t have told needn’t have told
shouldn’tfollow mustn’tfollow couldn’t have been following shouldn’t have been following
can't mustn't shouldn't needn't
Not really It doesn’t make sense You have got it Come on
won’t allow hadn’t allowed wouldn’t be allowed wouldn’t have allowed
shouldn’t call him needn’t have called him shouldn’t have called him didn’t need to call him
may; mustn’t have to; needn’t can; needn’t can; doesn’t need
shouldn't follow mustn't follow couldn't have been following shouldn't have been following
didn’t forget; told not to forget; have told won’t forget; have told haven’t forgotten; will tell
mustn’t have seen can’t have seen couldn’t see needn’t have seen