serious lonely lost alone
do, Yes don’t, Yes do,No don’t, No
tires tired tiring tireing
taking; watching to take; to watch taking; to watch to take; watching
alone; alone alone; lonely lonely; alone lonely; lonely
A child chokes on a fishbone and as an adolescent is reluctant to eat fish. A person feels lonely and after a while buys a dog for companionship. A child studies science in school and later grows up to become a teacher. A person hears that a snowstorm is predicted and that evening is afraid to drive home.
arrive arrived to arrive arriving
elegant; at home elegant; oneself elegantly; at home elegantly; oneself
the cost of hiring professionals is high the Englishman is enthusiastic for working with his hands there are advertisements in ' do - it - yourself' magazines the Englishman feels that he must do some household jobs
alone, alone lonely, lonely lonely, alone alone, lonely
is satisfied with present relationships between home and school. feels that the traditional program in mathematics is slightly superior .to the .developmental program. believes that schools are woefully lacking in guidance personnel. feels that parent-teacher interviews can be made much more constructive than they are at present.
alone; lonely lonely; lonely lonely; alone alone; alone
arrive arrived arriving to arrive