Nothing Anything Something Everything
repair to repair repairing being repaired
Nothing Anything Something Everything
Do things for family when she is supposed to be at work. Work for the company while she is supposed to stay at home. Meet the demands of both family and work with a flexible schedule. Balance the needs of her family against the demands of her work.
) one needs to be diligent/work hard/to be hard working ) diligence/to work hard/hard working is needed ) one of the necessary quality is diligence/to work hard/hard working ) diligence/to work hard/hard working is what one needs E.) you need be a diligent/hard-working person
mostly normally hardly usually
take the lead, hard-working fall behind, work hard fall behind, working hard take the lead, hard work
appeal contribute donate corespond
discover find achieve stop
to check checking check checked
fixing being fixed to fix fixed
done be done doing be doing
need to be repaired need repairing needs repairing needs to repair