to get along with to get along to be got along with getting along with
Having a talk with Tom Given a talk with Tom One talk with Tom If you have a talk with Tom
somehow anyhow anyway somewhat
But he was here just now.A. where Tom was where Tom has gone where can I find Tom where has Tom been
better, a better the best, the best better, the best the best, a better
directly ask for some money give some reasons before asking for money give reasons and then borrow five pounds ask for money before explaining his troubles
But he was here just now.A.where Tom was where has Tom gone where can I find Tom where Tom is
Having a talk with Tom Given a talk with Tom If you have a talk with Tom Once talk with Tom
good better the better the best
directly asked for some money give some reasons before asking for money give reasons and then borrow five pounds ask for money before explaining his troubles
the best the better best better
where Tom was where has Tom gone where Tom is where can I find Tom
Having a talk with Tom Given a talk with Tom One more talk with Tom If you have a talk with Tom
But he was here just now. A. where Tom was where has Tom gone where I could find Tom. where Tom is
directly asked for some money give some reasons before asking for money give reasons and then borrow five pounds ask for money before explaining his troubles
Having a talk with Tom Given a talk with Tom One talk with Tom If you have a talk with Tom