cooperation contest dispute conference
Tθ>Tw Tθ<Tw Tθ=Tw Tθ=1/2 Tw
argue for the similarities between animal societies and human societies smooth out the conflicts in human societies distinguish between two kinds of opposition summarize the characteristic features of opposition and cooperation
Tθ>Tw Tθ<Tw Tθ=Tw Tθ=1/2 Tw
cooperation contest dispute conference
输入信号,当READY=L(低电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TW 输入信号,当READY=H(高电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TW 输出信号,当READY=H(高电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TW 输出信号,当READY=L(低电平)时,CPU将插入等待周期TW
argue for the similarities between animal societies and human societies smooth out the conflicts in human societies distinguish between two kinds of opposition summarize the characteristic features of opposition and cooperation
RBRVS=(TW)(1+AST)(1+RP RBRVS=(TW)*(1+AST)+(1+RP RBRVS=(TW)*(1+RP+(1+AST) RBRVS=(TW)+(1+AST)+(1+RP
argue for the similarities between animal societies and human societies smooth out the conflicts in human societies distinguish between two kinds of opposition summarize the characteristic features of opposition and cooperation
t=tw=td t>tw>td t<tw<td t>tw=td
competence comparison competition compromise
t>tw>td t<tw<td t>tw=td t=tw=td
Argue for the similarities between animal societies and human societies Smooth out the conflicts in human societies Distinguish between two kinds of opposition Summarize the characteristic features of opposition and cooperation
argue for the similarities between animal societies and human societies smooth out the conflicts in human societies distinguish between two kinds of opposition summarize the characteristic features of opposition and cooperation
tw>t>td t>tw>td td>t>tw td>tw>t
among between along beside