must be must have been could be could have been
when did he leave where you have been whom will you go with how I could get to the station
should have asked should ask could ask would have asked
ask me to asked me to have asked me to had asked me to
when did he leave where you have been whom will you go with how I could get to the station
Why are you doing so Do you really have to Where are you going Do you feel it good
must have asked should ask could have asked had asked
could be could have been must be must have been
ask me to asked me to have asked me to had asked me to
asked you to keep quiet said you keep quiet told you keep quiet asked would you keep quiet
must have asked could have asked would have asked may have asked
whole day _______.” A. can ask, will waste must have asked, had wasted could have asked, was wasted shouldn’t have asked, would be wasted
must be must have been should have been could have been
if could she whether she can if she could whether can she
might have asked could ask would have asked would ask
better everything anything best something good nothing better