if she has passed the exam when she passed the exam whether she passed the exam how has she passed the exam
did she pass the exam when did she pass the exam whether she had passed the exam how she has passed the exam
has passed have past have passed had passed
pass passed have passed had passed
No passing Having passed Not passing Not having passed
would pass passed should has passed would have passed
no student had passed the exam no one had passed the exam all the students had passed the exam not all the students had passed the exam
had passed passed would passed would have passed
None of the students have passed the exam. Not all the students have passed the exam. None of the students have failed in the exam. Most of the students haven’t passed t he exam.
passed have passed will passed has passed
congratulations That’s all right Really? It is unbelievable Don’t be too glad
had passed passed would pass would have passed
might have passed should have passed would have passed could have passed
mustn’t have passed couldn’t pass wouldn’t have passed hadn’t passed
no student has passed the exam no one has passed the exam all the students have passed the exam not all the students had passed the exam
You had passed If you have passed Had you passed Have you passed
pass has passed have passed to pass
Jim passed Because Jim passed Jim’s passing As Jim passed