Right Wrong Net mentioned
double d = Mat cos(42); double d = Mat cosine(42); double d = Mat cos(Mat toRadians(42)); double d = Mat cos(Mat toDegrees(42));
IΔ=50mATΔ=0 IΔ=75mATΔ=0 IΔ=100mATΔ=0 IΔ=200mATΔ=0 IΔ=500mATΔ=0
SAI=50mAT=0.2S I=75mAT=0.2S I=100mAT=0.2S 1=200mAT=0.15S I=500mAT=0.1S
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
in memory of in demand of in favour of in terms of
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned
Right Wrong Not mentioned