good well regularly stable
淋巴细胞 浆cell 中性粒cell 嗜酸粒cell 单核吞噬cell
available permanent relative stable
changeable unchanging diverse strong
moveless stable stationary unchangeable
细胞核 细胞体 膜盘是否游离 是否与双极细胞形成突触
changeable unchanging diverse strong
unbelievable valuable stable uncomfortable
To be stable Being stable Stable Having been stable
reliable stable peaceful security
甲状腺滤泡上皮细胞 ACTH cell 肾上腺髓质细胞 TSH cell
Wil-2 cell Raji cell HEp-2 cell HeLa cell LE cell
cell line cell strain cell library others
Wil-2cell Rajicell HEp-2 cell HeLa cell LE cell
cell-phones are unreliable. cell-phones usually have poor quality. the customer service is bad. customers are not satisfied with cell-phone service.