fresh water vapor mixture liquid
a gas mask suitable for protection against each refrigerant used, or a self containedbreathing apparatus must be provided it is the sole responsibility of the chief engineer to ascertain that all membersof the engineering department are familiar with the use of gas masks or breathing apparatus spare charges shall be carried for at least 50% of each size and variety of gas masksand/or self contained breathing apparatus all of the above
solenoid valve to seize compressor to hunt formation of flash gas in the liquid line expansion valve to freeze open
the system is fully charged there is air leaking in from the condenser ice crystals are forming in the refrigerant the system contains less than a full charge of refrigerant
increase the refrigerating effect, by decreasing the amount of flash gas allow the refrigerant to enter the throttling device in a saturated condition increase the refrigerating effect by increasing the amount of flash gas minimize the temperature drop of the liquid as it passes through the solenoid valveto the outlet side
stop the refrigerant from flowing force the refrigerant to flow cause the refrigerant pressure to rise cause the refrigerant pressure to fall
fouled tubes in shell and tube condenser too little or too warm condenser water air or non-condensable gas in system overcharge of refrigerant
cool the expansion valve prevent refrigerant superheating condense the refrigerant gas prevent motor overheating
Too much refrigerant Too little refrigerant Refrigerant is ran out Running is over
temperature in the space being cooled liquid refrigerant pressure at the solenoid valve pressure drop across the evaporator coils refrigerant gas superheat at the coil outlet
compressor condenser throttle valve evaporator
liquid dry saturated gas wet saturated gas superheated vapor
too much superheat insufficient superheat suction pressure too low excessive refrigerant returning to the compressor
increasing refrigerant pressure in the coil increasing chilled water flow through the cooler sub-cooling the refrigerant in the condenser superheating the refrigerant in the compressor
a shortage of refrigerant the compressor running continuously liquid refrigerant returning to the compressor the compressor short cycling on the high pressure cutout
too much refrigerant in the system oil entrained in the refrigerant less than a full charge of refrigerant in the system ice crystals forming in the refrigerant
compressor condenser throttle valve evaporator
measure accurately the flow rate of the refrigerant-mass at that point compress and heat the refrigerant vapor bring about the evaporation and cooling of refrigerant exchange heat between the refrigerant and the air at that point
The solenoid valves directs high pressure gas to the valve lifting device raisingthe suction valve off its seat and causing one specific cylinder to become unloaded The solenoid valves directs high pressure gas to the underside of the unloading piston,causing it to rise and allowing the recirculating ports to be opened When the solenoid valve becomes energized, the valve ports become closed, allowingdischarge pressure to build up above the piston, shifting it and causing it to unload The solenoid valve allows the refrigerant to pass from the suction chamber to thetop of the unloader piston, causing the piston to lift and unload the cylinder
at the compressor discharge at the compressor suction in the expansion valve in the receiver