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头孢拉定片(Cefradine Tablets),又称先锋,该药品适宜敏感菌所导致的急性咽炎,扁桃体炎,中耳炎等呼吸道感染。其结构式如图所示,有关该物质的描述正确的是 ( )



肾功能减退者须减少剂量或延长经药间期  头孢拉定胶囊不能进入乳汁,哺乳期妇女可用  使用头孢拉定胶囊的患者可出现尿糖假阳性  头孢拉定胶囊可通过胎盘屏障进入胎儿血液循环,孕妇慎用。  
usual dosage: 1 tablet, tid, to be swallowed at meal time.  usual dosage: 1 tablet, three times a day, empty stomach.  usual dosage: 3 tablets daily dose, empty stomach.  usual dosage: 1 tablet single dose, three times a week.  usual dosage: 3 tablets, three divided doses per day.  
板蓝根  阿奇霉素  格列本脲片  阿奇霉素分散片  头孢拉定胶囊  
头孢菌素  头孢他定  头孢拉定  头孢吡肟  头孢呋辛  
Cefalexin  Cefradine  Cefaclor  Cefadroxi  
usual dosage: 1 tablet, tid, to be swallowed at meal time.  usual dosage: 1 tablet, three times a day, empty stomach.  usual dosage: 3 tablets daily dose, empty stomach.  usual dosage: 1 tablet single dose, three times a week.  usual dosage: 3 tablets, three divided doses per day.  
头孢唑林注射剂  甲硝唑注射剂  头孢噻肟注射剂  阿奇霉素注射剂  头孢拉定片剂  
usual dosage: 1 tablet, tid, to be swallowed at meal time.  usual dosage: 1 tablet, three times a day, empty stomach.  usual dosage: 3 tablets daily dose, empty stomach.  usual dosage: 1 tablet single dose, three times a week.  usual dosage: 3 tablets, three divided doses per day.  
头孢拉定胶囊  地西泮片  氢氯噻嗪片  丙戊酸钠缓释片  
头孢菌素  头孢他定  头孢拉定  头孢吡肟  头孢呋辛  
该物质由四种元素组成  该物质中  O元素质量比为4:1


头孢氨苄  头孢子克洛  头孢子拉啶  头孢羟氨苄  
维生素B2片  左甲状腺素钠片  头孢拉定胶囊的  磷酸铝凝胶  硫酸亚铁片  
头孢菌素  头孢他定  头孢拉定  头孢吡肟  头孢呋辛  
头孢他定(复达欣)  妥布霉素  庆大霉素  头孢哌酮(先锋必)  多粘菌素  
usual dosage: 1 tablet, tid, to be swallowed at meal time.  usual dosage: 1 tablet, three times a day, empty stomach.  usual dosage: 3 tablets daily dose, empty stomach.  usual dosage: 1 tablet single dose, three times a week.  usual dosage: 3 tablets, three divided doses per day.  
头孢菌素  头孢他定  头孢拉定  头孢吡肟  头孢呋辛  

