following some social norms is required by law every person in America follows the social norms social norms do not change from decade to decade cultural values are the same for every society
the black and the white the old and the young women and men the rich and the poor
team-building activities ground rules general management skills rules of conduct
are always the same are changeable can be important if you dine in a restaurant influence each other
improving the quality of one's life limiting one's personal health choice deliberately ending one's life breaking the rules of social behavior
The selling of strong spirits Smoking The selling of drinks Drinking in the public
stack queues pointer record
The grammatical rules in the language used by the largest population in a culture. Rules in a culture that can be modeled on by another culture. Any rules that people in a culture receive throughout his life time. Rules and codes that shape one’s cultural perspective and behavior.
How laws are formed Punish the people if they disobey the law Laws and manners How did people change their minds about drinking
The grammatical rules in the language used by the largest population in a culture. Rules in a culture that can be modeled on by another culture. Any rules that people in a culture receive throughout his life time. Rules and codes that shape one’s cultural perspective and behavior.
The grammatical rules in the language used by the largest population in a culture. Rules in a culture that can be modeled on by another culture. Any rules that people in a culture receive throughout his life time. Rules and codes that shape one’s cultural perspective and behavior.
is a popular member of society uses his money to help others is a respected leader of society does not obey the rules of society
the government members of the upper class cultural values the military
quickly recentness recently fast
faith speech thought behavior
Being quiet in church. Going to school. Cheating on a test. Wearing clean clothes.
put to death put on afire doing fine put into prison