decision_1_n5 decision_1_p5 decision_1_n6 decision_1_p6 decision_1_n7 decision_1_p7
good; right tough; bad tough; right easy; bad
a company should seek help from outsider to reverse the downfall. Ford out-performed General Motors in times of trouble. outsiders are better decision-makers than insiders to get a recovery. a company should use a true outsider to avoid sunk costs.
decision_1_n5 decision_1_p5 decision_1_n6 decision_1_p6 decision_1_n7 decision_1_p7
didn’t ; decision to ; decision not to ; decision doesn’t ; decision
decision_1_p1 decision_1_p2 decision_1_p3 decision_1_p4
have decision make decision have a decision make a decision
there is no true outsider because they may catch irrational thought processes. most investors generally tend to throw good money after bad investment. people will become irrational after they have lost money in investment. some outsiders may still catch the irrational mindset of the decision-makers.
The participating students turn out susceptible to the mindset of the decision-maker. The students were supposed to outbid another person for a prize of 356 points. The volunteers each were paid 12 dollars for participating in the experiment. The volunteers actually lost all their payment because they made worse investment.
choice decision reason information
decision_1_n1 decision_1_n2 decision_1_n3 decision_1_n4
It is a term used to define an employee's decision to disclose information on unethical, immoral or illegal actions at work to an authority figure. An employee should always discuss the matter with people external to the company before following the "chain of command" and discuss it with the immediate superior. The consequences of whistle blowing are often extreme and include possible being branded as having bad judgment, firing, civil action and imprisonment. Carefully considered whistle blowing can lead to the end of unethical business practices.
emotional. infectious. justifiable. susceptibl
calculate the costs and profits before making a further step. persuade others to believe that he has made a wise decision. persist in putting more money into the project. consult with some investment experts for advic
decided a big decision decided greatly made a decision had made a decision
It is a term used to define an employee's decision to disclose information on unethical,immoral or illegal actions at work to an authority figur An employee should always discuss the matter with people external to the company before following the“chain of command”and discuss it with the immediate superio The consequences of whistle blowing are often extreme and include possible being branded as having bad judgment,firing,civil action and imprisonmen Carefully considered whistle blowing can lead to the end of unethical business practice