to; to with; to at; wit for; with
consider their victim’s feelings are gently persuasive goad their victims are used with definite purpose
Humor is always genuine Humorous persons have pleasant faces Wit is more nimble than humor Humor comes by more naturally than wit
sell, sell sale, sell sale, to sell sell, sale
sells, buy buys, buy buys, sell sell, buy
comes out comes up comes over came out
familiar similar regular popular
have sold, are sold have been sold, sell had been sold, sold had sold, sell
permanently eliminate the confusion of them express his personal opinion of them reveal their similarities deprecate the quality of wit
steadily instantly formerly permanently
familiar particular popular regular
familiar regular similar popular
can be employed against him is superficial follows the judgments of the day is too brief
comes up; everyday comes across; everyday comes up; every day comes across; every day
comes out comes up comes across comes about