cool serious nervous patient
nervous confident frustrated embarrassed
nervous anxious sure careless
nervous patient cool serious
nervous sure anxious careless
cool serious nervous patient
Take it easy What’s up What’s happening Forget it
amazed bored nervous proud
relaxed serious nervous cool
Take it easy Take your time Not at all Sorry to hear that
You’d better not. Please don’t I’m sure I will Well, I won’t
Yo/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/△-11 Yo/△-11;Y/Yo-12;Y/△-11 Y/△-11;Yo/Y-12;Y/Y-12 Y/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/Yo-12
quiet confident nervous boring
cool serious nervous patient
Yo/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/△-11 Yo/△-11;Y/Yo-12;Y/ △-11 Y/△一ll;Yo/Y-12;Y/Y-12 Y/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/Yo-12
11Im1-3Im2= 5 11Im1+3Im2=5 11Im1+3Im2=-5 11Im1-3Im2=-5