only the engineering and construction companies may have the problem of skill deficiency. some larger companies always take unjust measures to compete with smaller ones. without skillful engineers, small companies still have the ability to enlarge their scales. small companies are in extreme need of technical personnel with excellent skills.
only the engineering and construction companies may have the problem of skill deficiency. some larger companies always take unjust measures to compete with smaller ones. without skillful engineers, small companies still have the ability to enlarge their scales. small companies are in extreme need of technical personnel with excellent skills.
small companies may always have no sufficient time and money to put into the scheme. all the candidates studying in the scheme can be qualified and skillful finally. the apprenticeship scheme is still very valuable despite some small imperfections all the businesses need to adopt the apprentices to improve their achievements.
ABC Co.,Ltd To Order To the Bearer To the Order of ABC Co.,Ltd
STD 的给付期间和免责期间均比LTD 短得多 由于STD 赔付持续期很短,总成本比较稳定,对STD 计划进行自保的雇主非常少 与LTD 相比,STD 的最高给付金额一般比较低 STD 保险金按周支付,LTD 保险金则按月支付
making any kind of companies to be more competitive. saving the wages paid to those employees as apprentices. enabling the specialists in companies to develop their skills. keeping the expensive external recruitment to a minimum.
Pay to ABC Co., LTD Pay to ABC Co., LTD only Pay to bearer Pay to the order of Bank of China, Zhejiang Branch
there are enough highly specialised engineers in small companies. the most serious situation small companies confront now is the lack of new projects. not a small company is short of skillful staff. larger companies also face the same problem of skill shortages as smaller ones.
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