they will give you all that they have when you need help you will be refused when you get into trouble you will become rich you can be sure that you get real friends
one thinks bad or good one feels in danger one faces in the outside world one tries to escape from real life
One World One Dream Flame of Love Your Hand with me You And Me
联系具有普遍性、客观性 真理是有条件的、具体的 不同事物存在着不同的矛盾 不同人的世界是不同的
the U. S. resources should be enjoyed by other countries. Americans are entitled to consume worldwide resources. it’’s hard to separate U. S. resources from those of the world. the world resources should be used rationally by all nations
the U. S. will be isolated if it clings to pursuing superaffluence. the poor countries will no longer supply the U. S. with materials. the Americans should care about the well-being of other nations. the U. S. is to aid the poor countries in their economic growth.