to play with playing with to play plays
things different something different different something different thing
to play with playing with to play plays
things pictures languages diagrams
they see different things they cannot agree about things some have better eye-sights none of these
things pictures languages diagrams
to play with playing with to [play plays
things different something different different something different anything
Yo/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/△-11 Yo/△-11;Y/Yo-12;Y/△-11 Y/△-11;Yo/Y-12;Y/Y-12 Y/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/Yo-12
Y 侧故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流 Y 侧故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流的 2/3 Y 侧非故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流的 1/3 Y 侧故障相电流等于 Yo 侧故障相电流的 3/2
the ; universally the; usually a; globally a; universal
Yo/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/△-11 Yo/△-11;Y/Yo-12;Y/ △-11 Y/△一ll;Yo/Y-12;Y/Y-12 Y/△-11;Y/Y-12;Y/Yo-12