What a good What good How good How good a
if she has passed the exam when she passed the exam whether she passed the exam how has she passed the exam
did she pass the exam when did she pass the exam whether she had passed the exam how she has passed the exam
What a good What good How good How good a
would pass passed should has passed would have passed
had passed passed would passed would have passed
None of the students have passed the exam. Not all the students have passed the exam. None of the students have failed in the exam. Most of the students haven’t passed t he exam.
amazed surprised excited frustrated
discusses is discussing discussed was discussing
Congratulations What a good news What a good surprise How exciting the exam
had passed passed would pass would have passed
frequently little regularly rarely
discusses is discussing discussed was discussing
So am I So have I So I have Also I have
Jim passed Because Jim passed Jim’s passing As Jim passed