If you may If you do If not If so
How do you do? I can help you.
May you happy. Good luck to you.
may have thought can have thought may think might think
If you may If you do If you finished If so
Yes, you do No, you may not No, you can Yes, you are
If you may If you do If not If so
mustn't; should do needn’t; should have done may not; should do can't; should have done
American parents are too healthy to have a short life span. the health care facilities will decline in the coming years. American parents are passing their poor health habits to their children. American children do not have a good diet.
If you may If you do If not If so
If you may If you do If not If so
should have done; may be could have done; must have been could have done; may have been must have done; might have been
Do you like one May I have one Will you please have one Would you like one
May you have a good trip Me, too Sorry, I won’t do that Thanks, the same to you
if you may if you do if not if so
may have thought can have thought may think might think
If you may If you do If not If so