20Ne和22Ne互为同位素 20Ne和22Ne互为同分异构体 20Ne和22Ne的质量数相同 20Ne和22Ne的中子数相同
depends on depending depending on depended on
outcome effect consequence denouement
Government agency depending on voluntary services. Non-profit organization depending on voluntary services. Government department but is not rich. Private organization supported by the government.
outlet outcome product yield
20Ne和22Ne互为同位素 20Ne和22Ne互为同分异构体 20Ne和22Ne的质量数相同 20Ne和22Ne的中子数相同
to take, depending taking, depending to have taken, to depend having taken, having depended
20Ne和22Ne互为同位素 20Ne和22Ne互为同分异构体 20Ne和22Ne的质量数相同 20Ne和22Ne的中子数相同
M=0,FQ≠0,FN≠0 M≠0,FQ=0,FN≠0 M=0,FQ=0,FN≠0 M≠0,FQ≠0,FN≠0
depending… imposing depended…imposed depending…imposed depended…imposing
22Ne的质子数为12 20Ne和22Ne的中子数相同
20Ne和22Ne的质量数相同 20Ne和22Ne互为同位素
20Ne和22Ne的中子数相同 22Ne的质子数为12 20Ne和22Ne的质量数相同 20Ne和22Ne互为同位素
20Ne和22Ne互为同位素 20Ne和22Ne互为同分异构体 20Ne和22Ne的质量数相同 20Ne和22Ne的中子数相同
20Ne和22Ne互为同位素 20Ne和22Ne的电子数不同 20Ne和22Ne的质量数相同 20Ne和22Ne的中子数相同