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leaves his company only when business is bad gets a job soon after he leaves school or university can work there throughout his career can have his serious mistakes in work corrected
his marriage with the daughter of the president the close link between him and his company his willingness to work overtime his active participation in quality control
control spend collect exchange
built up checked out picked out gone through
how lifetime employment works in Japan what benefits lifetime employment has brought to Japanese workers what lifetime employment is how lifetime employment is viewed
achievements at work. performance at work. career options. attitude toward work.
priceless valueless valuable boring
his marriage with the daughter of the president. the close link between him and his company. his willingness to work overtime. his active participation in quality control.
Family and company interests are equally important. The Japanese worker is very loyal to his company. One’s future is guaranteed through hard work. Devotion to one’s company is encouraged.
control spend collect exchange
how lifetime employment works in Japan. what benefits lifetime employment has brought to Japanese workers, what lifetime employment is. how lifetime employment is viewed.
leaves his company only when business is bad. gets a job soon after he leaves school or university. can work there throughout his career. can have his serious mistakes in work corrected.
achievements at work performance at work career options attitude toward work