若四个检查项目均不低于Bu级,可按占多数的等级确定 若仅一个检查项目低于Bu级,定为Bu级 若不止一个检查项目低于Bu级,定为Cu级 若三个检查项目低于Bu级,定为Du级
maybe must be might be is
to buy buy buying to be bought
dispose dismiss distribute disturb
a; a the; the a; the the; a
若四个检查项目均不低于Bu级,则可按占多数的等级确定 若仅一个检查项目低于Bu级,则定为Bu级 若不止一个检查项目低于Bu级,则定为Cu级 若三个检查项目低于Bu级,则定为Du级
The hull must bu clean There must be calm weather-wind 1knots or less and a calm sea There must be no current The depth of the water mest be at least one and one-half times the draft"
beng fu beng bu ben fu peng bu
your; my your; mine yours; my yours; mine