Substantial changes occurred in democratic process at the end of World War Ⅱ. The democratic idea was accepted immediately by the whole society after the World War Ⅱ. Nowadays the Confucianism outweighs the new value system in Japan. Today the Confucianism is a functioning part of the Japanese society.
American people like sitting with people they don't know. Hostess always seat a small group at a large table. American people never sit with people they don't know. American people would not light a cigarette if the people who sit at the same table mind their smoking.
Integration involves effectively integrating processes among the projec Integrated change control includes reviewing and approving all change request The project preliminary scope statement provides a high level scope narrativ The project management plan is an input in developing the preliminary project scope statemen
Not all objects reflect light. All objects reflect light. One particular object reflects only one color of light. No objects will reflect all colors of light.
Large modern cities are not good to live in. Living in large modern cities has so many disadvantages. All the simple, good things of life are imposed on the people who inhabit large cities. Many things that are going on in nature are not connected with large cities.
The new module has three different colours The new module is eighty pounds fifty It is like a jacket pocket It is very small
When any vessel fails to understand the intentions of an approaching vessel she must soundthe danger signal Only the stand-on vessel can sound the danger signal Distress signals may be used in place of the danger signal The danger signal consists of 4 or more short blasts of the whistle"
Because the piston is exposed to very high temperature, it must be cooled The lower the piston cooling temperature is, the better it is Both water and lube oil can be used as coolant One of the piston cooling methods is vibration cooling, with better effect
ff overheat is found, the engine must be stopped for inspection Much heat of the crankcase door indicates that the bearing is overheated If bearing clearance is too large, knocking will be heard in the crankcase If bearing clearance is too large or too small, the white metal may be melted
Anthracite (无烟煤) will generate more methane than bituminous coal Coal should not be shipped while wet Coal should be surface ventilated to remove methane gas The methane gas generated by coal will react with moisture on the ship's structure andaccelerate corrosion"
The WBS is another term for the Gantt chart. Each descending level of the WBS represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project work. Work not in the WBS is usually defined in the scope statement of the project. The WBS shows only the critical path activities.
when the steam engine was invented, it soon replaced water as a source of power, so water was useless for a certain period Factories could be built far from coal fields, because coal is portable It was convenient to build a factory in the coal fields Japan is a country that relies on hydroelectric power
Children who read ghost stories have bad dreams Almost everyone is secretly afraid of something All adults are afraid of spiders No one is frightened of rats
It took even longer for Mother's Day to gain national popularity. The businessmen helped to make Father's Day popular. Father's Day is only celebrated in America. Father's Day is only a trick of the businessmen to make money.
Language is a means of vocal communication. Language is instrumental. Language is social and conventional.
It has a large GM Its period of roll is long. It has a very low center of gravity It has a good transverse stability."
The black clergy depended on Washington The black clergy didn't trust ATF The number of cases of arson is generally decreased in U.S. There are about 600 churches burnt in U.S. every year
Each vessel should show sidelights Each vessel should show at least one white light The barges should be lighted as separate units The barges should be lighted as one vessel"
The WBS is another term for the Gantt char Each descending level of the WBS represents an increasingly detailed definition of the project wor Work not in the WBS is usually defined in the scope statement of the projec The WBS shows only the critical path activitie
Combustion does not begin until the piston starts down on the power stroke Maximum combustion pressure is reached before TDC Turbulence in the cylinder causes a delay in ignition Maximum cylinder firing pressure is not developed until the piston passes TDC