so as to never be integral lube with a sloped bottom only of nonferrous, noncorrosive metals with draineturn lines terminating just above or at the designed normal level
within among besides beyond
without the necessity of manually adjusting the lines without the necessity of automatically adjusting the lines with the necessity of manually adjusting the lines with the un-necessity of automatically adjusting the lines
rhumb lines great-circles both great-circles and rhumb lines neither great-circles nor rhumb lines"
magnetic latitudes magnetic declinations dip isogonic lines"
bow and stern lines breast lines halyards Warps"
have no plating joints of 90 retain the lube oil as long as possible before it recirculates through the system provided draineturn lines that are no greater than 24 inches from the pump suction be provided with only a perfectly horizontal bottom
every a few lines each a few lines every few lines each few lines
within beyond beside among
improper adjustments contaminated fuel coated fuel lines excessive vibration
all ballast is processed through the oily water separator ballast is taken on and discharged through a separate main deck riser ballast and cargo tanks are separated by cofferdams all ballast lines, tanks, and pumps are independent of those used for oil
manila lines are diminishing from marine industries manila lines should only be used where great strength is required synthetic lines should only be used where great strength is required synthetic lines are difficult to find in market
Improper lubrication Air in the fuel system Coated fuel lines Excessive vibration