measures the movements of a spaceship by means of light beam makes use of microwaves makes use of sound waves Both A and B
They can be used to communicate over long distances. They require both a sender and a receiver. They involve use of conventional signs and symbols. They utilize the senses for reception.
saves lives of people in remote places enables people to live alone if they want to spreads both love and ill will replaces much written communication
it increases the danger of war it provides services to both the good and the malicious it makes distant communication easier it breaks up the multi-generation household
They can be used to communicate over long distances. They involve use of conventional signs and symbols. They require both a sender and a receiver. They utilize the senses for reception.
makes use of microwaves measures the movements of a spaceship by means of light beam makes use of sound waves Both A and B
query transaction communication programming
communication by language communication by mimicry auditory communication visual communication
make it possible makes it possible make this possible makes this possible
performance measurement baseline project management methodology project strategy and approach communications management plan