to join join joining joined
join us in join to join us to to join us
but why not? but I’d rather not. and I won’t. and I’ll join.
but why not? but I’d rather not. and I won’t and I’ll join.
but why not? but I’d rather not. and I won’t. and I’ll join.
to join join is joining joining
but why not? but I’d rather not. and I won’t and I’ll join.
decision promise offer excuse
That would be nice I’d love to I’m afraid I can’t Let’s do that
Best wishes Thank you Well done Sounds great
not to not not join not do
I’m with you on that. how come? it’s not my cup of teA. it’s up to you.
but why not but I'd rather not and I won't and I'll join
but why not? but I’d rather not. and I won’t. and I’ll join.
not not to not join not do
not to not join not do not
but why not? but I’d rather not. and I won’t and I’ll join.
not not to not join not do