no one could change his name by himself no one could give his name to a son no one could give his name away no one could give up his name
One...his One...her One…one Ones…ones '
It is dangerous both to express anger violently and to control one’s anger. One can avoid his medical problems by expressing his anger freely. One’s heart rate will not change if his anger is kept unexpressed. One is likely to suffer from high blood pressure in a bit of great anger.
雄心壮志 喜欢竞争 雄心壮志、喜欢竞争、性情急躁、缺乏耐心 雄心壮志、喜欢竞争、性情急躁、缺乏耐心、容易激动 做事不慌不忙
one’s; his his; his his; one’s one’s; one’s
one may soon change his old habits one’s old habits will soon be changed there’ll be some change in his habits one’s new habits will soon be formed
it is important to build up one's physical capacity it is no good having much physical training it is more important to know one's capacity than to win tile race it is important to have physical training while one trains his mind
will is going to is to is about to