Risk factors in heart attacks. Seasonal and temporal patterns of heart attacks. Cardiology in the 1980s. Diet and stress as factors in heart attacks.
The difference between "scientific" and "unscientific" explanations. The difference between human and animal behavior. How fear would be explained by the psychologist, physiologist, and molecular biologist. How scientists differ in their approaches to explaining natural phenomen
John Shuttleworth starting a small business America the failure of businesses
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The economic development of the United States in the eighteenth century Ways in which economic development led to social changes in the United States Population growth in the western United States The increasing availability of industrial jobs for women in the Unites States
The changes of soccer. The rules of rugby. Different village players. The birth of American football.
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the difference between general history and art history the making of' art history what we can learn from art the influence of artists on art history
The detail seen through a microscope. Sources of illumination for microscopes. A new kind of microscope. Outdated microscopic techniques.
Breeding habits of whales. Differences between whales. Efforts to preserve whales. The intelligence of whales.
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how lifetime employment works in Japan. what benefits lifetime employment has brought to Japanese workers. what lifetime employment is. how lifetime employment is viewed.
Right Wrong Not mentioned.
The difference between "scientific" and "unscientific" explanations. The difference between human and animal behavior. How fear would be explained by the psychologist, physiologist, and molecular biologist. How scientists differ in their approaches to explaining natural phenomena.
The bee, a social animal. Navigational techniques of bees. Testing the awareness of bees. The bee hive, nature's candy shop.
A promising new deal. Doha world trade negotiations. World's anger against Europe. Doomed reforms of CAP.
Dressing for effect. How to dress appropriately. Managerial positions and clothing. Dressing for the occasion.
TV can make advertisers aware of their products. TV is more popular than any other medium in the United States. TV covers a large audience at the same time. TV carries more national advertising than other media in the United States.
The equipment divers use. The effects of pressure on gases in the human body. How to prepare for a deep dive. The symptoms of nitrogen bubbles in the bloodstream.
the difference between general history and art history the making of art history what we can learn from art the influence of artists on art history